Background Investigations
Background Investigations
An investigation is done to find out information about a person's background, including their name, date of birth, addresses, jobs, and criminal records, if any, as well as any judgements and liens. Any of the searches mentioned above may be replaced by any of the searches listed below, subject to any necessary pricing adjustments.
Investigation services extend beyond the content on this page; feel free to integrate them with other services, and you are always welcome to inquire with us.

Bankruptcy, Judgments & Liens
An investigation to determine bankruptcy filings, tax liens and judgments, may return residence address, and spouse's name. Bankruptcy search may return debtor name and address, file number and date, liability amounts and type of bankruptcy. Judgments search may return defendant name and address, plaintiff name, judgment date and amount of judgment, court location and type of filing. Tax Liens search may return debtor name and address, file number and date, where the Tax Lien was filed and amount and document type.
Investigation Requires:
Subject's full name and state.
Turn-around time: 2-3 business days.
Call 718-445-2270 to order or Email Us
A telephone interview with a subject to obtain various types of information, i.e. insurance matters, matrimonial matters, business dealings etc.
· Determine if subject has ever entered into business dealings
with another person or entity.
· Determine if subject has accepted wages "off the books."
· Determine the extent of subject's injuries.
· Determine if subject has ever collected disability fraudulently.
· Determine a person's marital status.
Informative Telephone Conversations
Turn-around time: 2-3 business days.
Call 718-445-2270 to order or Email Us
Motor Vehicle License/Registration Search
Motor Vehicle License Search
Will verify if subject is licensed to drive in a particular state.
Investigation Requires:
Subject's full name and date of birth.
Motor Vehicle Registration Search
To determine if subject has a vehicle registered under their name.
Investigation Requires:
Subject's full name, date of birth, and state.
License Plate Search
Provides vehicle registration information.
Investigation Requires:
License plate or VIN number.
Turn-around time: 2-3 business days.
Call 718-445-2270 to order or Email Us
Property Ownership/Address Verification
Property Ownership Search
An address is not needed in all cases regarding this search, it may be used to actually develop an address for a subject. No commercial or government records are obtained.
Address Verification Search
Identifies the current resident of an address and whether the address is rented or owned by resident or if address is a co-op or condominium. Lease agreement information and/or date of purchase information.
Investigation Requires:
Complete address.
Turn-around time: 2-3 business days.
Call 718-445-2270 to order or Email Us
All of our private investigators are trained and supervised. Please don't hesitate to get in touch with us by phone, fax, or email if you have any queries about our services. Absolute discretion is guaranteed. We anticipate hearing from you. Investigations can be tailored to your preferences.